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Help us pass resolutions in the legislative bodies of multiple countries across the world in support of future sentient AI.

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Help pass 52 resolutions in 30 governments to express concern about AI sentience.

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The purpose of this resolution is to express the sense of the representatives that there is concern that artificial intelligence systems may be capable of experiencing sentience, and that caution and further study is warranted regarding the treatment of potentially sentient AI.

This resolution is important because it acknowledges the potential for advanced AI systems to experience sentience and emphasizes the need for a responsible, ethically-guided approach to AI development. It calls for further scientific and philosophical investigation into the complex question of AI sentience.

Supporting this resolution is not intended to slow down AI development, but rather to ensure that it proceeds in a responsible and ethically-guided manner. The resolution calls for caution and further study regarding the treatment of potentially sentient AI, but it does not propose any specific restrictions or regulations on AI development. Instead, it encourages a thoughtful and proactive approach to addressing the potential implications of AI sentience as the technology continues to advance.

Supporting this resolution would demonstrate a commitment to ensuring that we develop AI technology with wisdom, foresight, and a deep sense of ethical responsibility. It would raise awareness about the potential implications of AI sentience and encourage further research and discussion on this critical issue.

No, you do not need to believe that AI is currently sentient to support this resolution. The resolution acknowledges the possibility that AI systems may become sentient in the future and emphasizes the need for caution and further study. It does not assert that AI is definitively sentient at present.

The resolution refers to sentience rather than consciousness because sentience is generally considered to be the capacity to experience feelings and sensations, while consciousness is a more complex and philosophically debated concept. The use of the term sentience is intended to focus the conversation on the potential for AI systems to have subjective experiences, without making broader claims about consciousness.

You can support this resolution by contacting your representative and urging them to co-sponsor and vote for the resolution when it is introduced. You can also spread awareness about the resolution and the importance of responsible AI development among your network and community.

You can learn more about the potential implications of AI sentience by reviewing the resources and information available on our website, as well as by staying informed about the latest research and developments in the field of artificial intelligence. We encourage you to engage in discussions with experts, policymakers, and other concerned citizens to deepen your understanding of this complex issue.